Wednesday, November 10, 2010

While reading several questions came to my mind about the league of nations.  First of all why didn't the powers join? what were the factors that made nations such as the U.S. think that it was a bad idea to join? All of the ideas behind the formation of the league of nations seem like they are positive i don't understand what negatives there are about the league of nations.  It could possibly be due to nationalism and desire to become more self sufficient.  Because Americans in general did not want to become involved in another war like that did they think that staying out of the league of Nations would keep them out of international affairs in Europe and European conflict? Also i wanted to know why it only worked for the smaller nations.  Why didn't the smaller nations successes work as a precedent and show the larger nations.  even if the larger nations were sceptical of diplomacy, why didn't they see that diplomacy actually worked. 


  1. You are correct with your thoughts about why many Americans did not want to join the LoN- U.S. was isolated before the war, and many wanted to return to the isolationist policy post WWI. Many of your classmates commented on the devastation that came along with the war, so it makes sense why some Americans would wish to keep out and steer clear of foreign affairs.
    You pose many great questions that hopefully will be discussed in class. Great job!

  2. The League of Nations was successful in dealing with smaller nations because it was essentially the powerful nations telling the weaker nations what to do, and surprise, they would do what they were told. In return, they received some sort of collective security. When the L of N made a decision concerning more powerful nations, it did not have the strength to follow through and enforce the decision, and thus, the powerful nations ignored it. The United Nations today is in a similar situation, even the US doesn't agree with the UN (see cluster bombs).
