Saturday, December 11, 2010

Middle East

During all of the persecutions in Germany, many of the Jews left Germany and went to different countries like the U.S., Britain, and Palestine.  By 1933 about 5000 Jews escaped to the safety of Palestine.  As Jewish persecution continued, more and more Jews moved out of Germany and into Palestine.  When Arabs began to get worried about Palestine becoming a Jewish State and confronted the British government about the amount of Jewish immigrants.  However by this time there were already lots of Jews in Palestine and there were hard feelings between Arabs and the Jews, leading to conflicts in the "Holy Land" that still exist today.  My question is that if Britain hadn't been in control of Middle Eastern countries like Palestine and Jordan, would there be the conflicts over this area today? Because if Arabs were in control of who immigrated in the first place, they wouldn't have let the Jews immigrate in the first place therefore there would not be conflict over whether or not it is a Jewish state or not.