Saturday, December 11, 2010

Middle East

During all of the persecutions in Germany, many of the Jews left Germany and went to different countries like the U.S., Britain, and Palestine.  By 1933 about 5000 Jews escaped to the safety of Palestine.  As Jewish persecution continued, more and more Jews moved out of Germany and into Palestine.  When Arabs began to get worried about Palestine becoming a Jewish State and confronted the British government about the amount of Jewish immigrants.  However by this time there were already lots of Jews in Palestine and there were hard feelings between Arabs and the Jews, leading to conflicts in the "Holy Land" that still exist today.  My question is that if Britain hadn't been in control of Middle Eastern countries like Palestine and Jordan, would there be the conflicts over this area today? Because if Arabs were in control of who immigrated in the first place, they wouldn't have let the Jews immigrate in the first place therefore there would not be conflict over whether or not it is a Jewish state or not. 


  1. I believe that you are correct. All following words would just be words for words sake, so yup I agree, no two enemies, no war.

  2. I honestly don't know if I agree with you. Personally, I try to aviod the whole "Palestine vs. Israel" debate because I don't belive that I can ever truly understand the fear, distrust and conflict in this area.... But maybe without the British, I agree, that this conflict could have been avoided.

  3. I am kinda with Melissa with this one. This is a conflict that I have never gotten a full grasp on... But to me personally had the Arabs been in full control then yes there would have been less of a conflict, but there would probably the conflict of Jews trying to secretly enter Palestine in desperation. I mean they had to have been so scared and willing to try to get anywhere but where they were. I think they would have still tried to sneak in for safety. Like an illegal alien type of situation. So i don't think a full conflict would have been avoided.

  4. I agree with AJ, I think Britian would have forseen a conflict between the two (if they had any brains at all) so they would have cut off the Jews or sent them else where. Which in the end would have left less conflict and war.

  5. Yeah I agree with AJ. There wouldn't have been a major conflict if the Arabs and Jews weren't coexisting together. Mixing two completely different religions together was just a terrible idea.

  6. Well I mean I to an extent agree with you... but at the same time I think of Britain had dealt with the issue instead of just letting the tensions build it would have been a different story. But overall I agree, if the Jews had never went to Palestine then end of story no issues.

  7. I think you are right in saying that the Arabs would have just kept the Jewish immigrants out in the first place and saved the world problems now. Yet another case of Britain's massive empire causing never-ending conflict around the world.

  8. I disagree. There has been conflict between Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land since Islam was founded. There are so many holy sites that overlap or are too close to each other for comfort. There would still have been conflict, regardless of what the British did in the early 20th Century. It is much more complex than just what an imperial power did relatively recently. Tension and fighting that have been happening for two millenia aren't likely to change with one governmental action.

  9. In my opinion, conflict in the Middle East was bound to happen. This area, as Shannon said, had so many overlapping holy sites because civilization has been present in the Middle East for the longest, and many of these religions are very old and based on that time period. I also believe that one of the main reasons that the Middle East has been in such conflict so long is the lack of resources present, civilization was founded there because of it's climate and resources but since then the climate has changed and it no longer has those resources. I believe that the conflicts may have come about differently if Britain wasn't in control of these countries, but it would've happened with or without them.

  10. I don't know what I think about this. Assuming that the Jews that were placed in Palestine had been safely relocated elsewhere, I still wonder if after the war there would have been a day when that same conflict would have arose. It's something that today we see them believing in so passtionately, I can't imagine them not feeling the same just because they were in a different place.

  11. Well one thing that promotes violence in the Middle East is that it is considered the "Holy Land" for many religions. Jews, Christians and Muslims all have religious origins centered in the Middle East, and because of that, no matter who is in control, there is conflict.

  12. I think that there would be conflict no matter waht, because the are is so contested. However, i also think that without Britain, things could have been different and maybe not as tense.
